Got Fur Mites?
Get MiteArrest!

Myobia musculi, Radfordia affinis and Myocoptes musculinus can infest whole colonies of laboratory rodents and may adversely affect the general health of mice. Mite infestations often cause hypersensitivity-induced skin lesions which can promote secondary bacterial infection. Infested mice may have altered immune statuses, and epidermis and hair regrowth may be affected in some mouse strains. A mouse experiencing a severe or prolonged mite infestation may permanently disfig-ure itself by vigorous scratching. The development of MITEARREST has changed all of this.

Developed at the Harvard School of Public Health for the control and prevention of fur mites in laboratory rodents nearly thirty years ago, MITEARREST’s method is simple and effective. It is an insecticidal bedding consisting of cotton, (92.6%), and permethrin, (7.4%), simply added to standard bedding material and enlists the natural nesting instincts of laboratory rodents to deliver a potent acaricide to the fur of the animal. Rodents readily accept it, and quickly turn it into nests. 

When used correctly, MITEARREST will eradicate even the most severe infestation. The acaricide used is highly toxic to mites, and simple contact with it is deadly to them. Prolonged use of MITEARREST kills new mites emerging from eggs, and can prevent the reinfestation of the colony from newly acquired animals.

Permethrin, the active ingredient in MITEARREST, is the same ingredient that is used in head lice shampoo for children and adults, and since 2003 has been used in human clothing applications. 0.52 percent is the industry standard for clothing. Higher concentrations of permethrin are used in medications for treating both head lice and scabies.

Permethrin has been shown to have a low degree of toxicity to mammals and their caretakers. Acute, short-term and long-term studies show that dermal or oral exposure of as much as 2,000 – 5,000 mg permethrin per kg body weight is not toxic to mice. MITEARREST delivers only 1,800 mg of permethrin per kg of body weight. Furthermore, manufacturing binds much of the toxicant to the nesting material so that it is not readily available for absorption (T. Mather, et al, Lab Animal, March, 1990).

In a low concentration, infused into American cotton by a proprietary process, the permethrin used in MITEARREST is effective and safe – even for breeding colonies. 

Ease of Use

Simply add MITEARREST to the cage when changing the bedding. There are no dips, dusts, or injections to administer. No mixing is required. The product comes ready to use. Furthermore, it is verifiable. The quantity of product used and its condition is easily monitored by a visual inspection of the cage.


Reduces time previously spent treating each animal. Treatment is just another part of changing the bedding. By eliminating the labor intensive procedure of treating each animal, technicians can focus on other important tasks.

Reduces Animal Stress

Traditional mite removal treatments involve a great deal of handling, sometimes including forced submersion, which greatly stresses the animals. MITEARREST makes this handling unnecessary. Moreover, MITEARREST reinforces the natural nest-building behavior of mice and other rodents, perhaps making them less prone to other stresses.


Place MITEARREST directly in the cages to be treated. Replace MITEARREST when bedding is changed. Continue treatment for six weeks to capture the entire 23 day natural life cycle of mites.

MITEARREST is not ovicidal. Treatment must continue until eggs have hatched to assure effectiveness. To prevent reinfestation from infected new colony members, contaminated bedding, or wild mice, we also recommend using a few balls per cage when the bedding is changed as a prophylactic treatment.


Simply add 2 or 3 MiteArrest bundles, per mouse, to regular bedding during weekly bedding change-outs, for at least 6 weeks. The length of treatment time is designed to take into consideration the entire life cycle of the fur mite.

How Much do I need?

Each 2.5lbs bag of MiteArrest contains enough cotton to treat approximately 300 mice for a full 60-day treatment cycle.

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